Friday, March 16, 2018

Help Alyssa and Matt Reunite! ♥ ~ GoFundMe Campaign

I hope my work has benefited you in some way. I never would have imagined "Through Our Eyes" becoming so widespread, but I'm thankful it did. It helped me discover the amazing autism community and meet so many great people. I know now I am not alone!

Now I need your help. I am longing for independence, to move out of my parents house and finally marry my fiancĂ©
 Matt Rhodes. (Yes, the same Matt Rhodes from the film!) Please check out my GoFundMe campaign, share it with others, and donate if you can.

I am not usually one to ask for help or handouts, I believe in hard work and self-sufficiency. But the reality that I live with is that I cannot work-full time, and my government benefits are not enough to live off of. I work hard every day to advocate for the autism community, and take care of myself, but it does not support me enough financially.

My friends, family, and followers: you are dear to me and I am grateful for any support. Please share on social media to spread the word. :)

Share this link:

Thank you so much!! 
~Alyssa Huber